Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Five People You Meet in Heaven- Blog3

            I was surprised at the last half of the book. I thought that Eddie would actually get to communicate with his mother and father. Although, I am glad that he got to see when his dad saved the man that tried to harm his mother. I felt for Eddie because of the pain inflicted by his father so it made me more at peace that Eddie got to see him in a better light. Eddie’s love, Marguerite, also had a surprise entry. When Eddie was pulled from one lavish wedding to another, I felt it was because Marguerite was a fun-loving, exotic, spirit. It touched my heart when Eddie told her how much he missed her and he looked back on their love from the beginning. I feel like my perception of love now relates to how Eddie’s love on earth played out. I have seen love in my family be great, youthful, and careless, then it later turns into work with age, children, etc. I’m happy to expect that there is hopefully a future rekindling of love in heaven! Another heartwarming moment was when Tala told Eddie she helped him from heaven to save the little girl. I am usually not an emotional person but I might have shed a tear at this moment. As everyone joined together to meet Eddie in front of God was a beautiful end to this angelic novel. Heaven as it was described in The Five You People in Heaven was a heaven that I want to go to!

1 comment:

  1. " Heaven as it was described in The Five You People in Heaven was a heaven that I want to go to!" - Me, too Morgan! Me. Too.
